Ecommerce gift cards contain a gift code assigned by the store using which your customers can redeem the card’s value. The code can be added on the checkout page while making the payment.

How to view the details of purchased gift cards?

  1. In the Gift Cards menu, click on Purchased Gift Card sub menu.

  2. A list of all purchased gift cards is displayed on this page. It has details like Recipient name, email id, contact number, coupon code, price and expiry date.

  3. Click on the export icon on top of the list to download an excel sheet.

  4. Click on the view icon to view the details of the gift card.

  5. If the coupon is purchased by the admin, details like coupon code, balance amount and a chip ‘Purchased by Admin’ is displayed.

  6. The recipient details consist of the name and contact details of the recipient( the one who uses the gift card).

  7. If the gift card is purchased by a customer, details like coupon code, balance amount, buyer details and recipient details are displayed.

  8. A table with details of orders made with the gift card is displayed. It consists of details like Order Id, Created Date(purchased date), and the order amount.

  9. Choose a date range to filter the list based on the time period.

How can customers avail gift cards?

  1. After choosing products, on the cart page click on Apply Gift Card.

  2. In the dialogue box, choose the gift card that is available and click on the Apply button.

  3. Now the gift card discount is applied on the subtotal and the amount is deducted from the subtotal. Now the customer can pay the balance amount.

  4. Now this order detail is added to the purchased gift card details.