To view the Revenue report

  1. In the Dashboard Menu, select the Revenue report.

    The Revenue report shows the number of orders placed and the generated revenue of your store. This helps you predict what months are most profitable for your business and fine-tune your ad campaign for the next year.

    ZenBasket’s Revenue report consists of the date and location filters, the overall revenue of the store in a list, a graph that is generated based on the income earned by the store, and a list of orders placed each day along with its details. It also consists of an export functionality to export particular data on an excel sheet.

  2. If your store is managed across multiple locations, Choose the location for which the report is to be generated. Set the From and To dates. Choose the same date in the ‘From’ and ‘To’ dates in case a report is to be generated for a single day.

  3. The total revenue split up is displayed below based on the location and time interval selected.

    • Tax Amount - Sum of total tax amount of all orders which are listed on the table.
    • Shipping Charge - Sum of total shipping charge amount in table.
    • Tip - Sum of total tip amount in table.
    • Service Charge - Sum of total service charge.
    • Refund - Sum of total refunded amount with success status on orders.
    • Discount - Sum of the total discount amount applied on orders.
    • Item Total - Sum of the amount in Item total listed in the table.
    • Amount paid - Sum of total paid amount in table.
  4. A graph will be generated based on the total sales and income on each date between the specified time interval.

  5. The revenue details will also be displayed in the form of a table. The Item Total is the sum of tax, shipping charge, service charge, tip, and the amount paid with the difference of discount and refund.

  6. Click on the Export Report button after choosing the time interval and the location. Choose from three options : Export only filtered data, Export all the data in the current page and Export all the data. Click on Start Export button to download the CSV file for future reference.

  7. The CSV file contains the details of your store’s revenue.