For a store owner, order fulfillment can be a complex and time-consuming process. Shipyaari helps streamline the end-to-end fulfillment operations and ensures hassle-free deliveries at the lowest cost.

With Shipyaari, orders are processed quickly and efficiently by letting your customers choose from a list of delivery partners. You can track your inventory and orders in one place, which makes it easy to make smarter business decisions and enhance sales.

How to view the Shipyaari Orders?

  1. In the Orders menu, click on the Shipyaari Orders.

  1. In the Ready for shipping tab, a table contains all the packed orders.

  2. Click on the + symbol to add the shipping details.

  1. Enter the weight, length, width and height of the package. Then enter the number of packages and package type. Choose Identical if there are the same kind of products in the package or choose Different if there are different types of products in the package.

  2. Mention the landmark from where the package has to be picked up.

  3. Choose when the shipment has to be done. Click Next.

  4. Choose the delivery partner from the list as per your business needs and click save.

  1. The order gets moved to the “Shipyaari Orders” tab.

  2. In the “Shipyaari Orders” tab, click on icons under action to carry out processes like Shipment Tracking, Shipment labeling or Canceling Shipment.

  1. Click on the view icon to view the current status of the order.

  2. Click on the tracking icon to track the order.

  3. Click on the print icon to print an invoice that consists of details like seller address, shipping address, courier name, order details, dimensions of the package and subtotal. This can be used for labeling the package.

  4. Finally click on the X symbol if you want to cancel the order. Confirm the same in the dialog box.

  5. A confirmation message stating successful cancellation will be displayed. The refund will be made within a week.

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