ZenBasket allows you to create and monitor the offers for their online store. The offers report in the dashboard displays the total revenue generated from offers for the current month and the total revenue of offers to date.

View Offers Report

  1. In the Dashboard menu, click on the Offers Report.

  2. If your store is managed across multiple locations, Choose the location for which the report is to be generated.

  3. Choose a time interval for which the report is to be generated. Set the From and To dates. Choose the same date in the ‘From’ and ‘To’ dates in case a report is to be generated for a single day.

    The revenue generated by all the offers within the selected time interval for the given location is displayed in a box under the Total Offer Amount. A list of Promo codes along with the number of orders and the total amount acquired due to offers is displayed.

  4. Click on the Export Report button after choosing the time interval and the location. Choose from three options : Export only filtered data, Export all the data in the current page and Export all the data. Click on Start Export button to download the CSV file for future reference.

    The CSV file contains the details of promo codes in a particular location for a specific time interval. The details include Promo Code, No of Orders, and Total amount.