Product Shipping

An admin can decide on the shipping rates. This can be done in the product shipping tab on the Add product details page.

Shipping Rates - have three options namely

  • Free shipping
  • Fixed rate
  • Global Rate

Free shipping

Selected products can be shipped for free, irrespective of the quantity ordered. Free shipping may be provided for luxury items to encourage sales.

To add free shipping:

  1. In the Products menu, choose the All Products sub-menu.

  2. For a product, click on the eye icon to edit the product details.

  3. On the products page, switch to the Product Shipping tab.

  4. Select Free Shipping.

  5. Click on the Refresh icon to reset the shipping rates.

  6. Click Save.

Fixed-Rate per item

Fixed rate per item is used to add a fixed flat amount for a product’s shipping cost that overrides the basic shipping calculations of the store. So, whatever fixed rate is entered for an item, reflects as the shipping cost on the checkout page irrespective of the location.

To add a fixed rate per item

  1. In the Products menu, choose the All Products sub-menu.

  2. For a product, click on the eye icon to edit the product details.

  3. On the product page, switch to the Product Shipping tab.

  4. Select Fixed Rate in the Shipping Rates section.

  5. Type the fixed fee and choose the rate type as one time or per item.

  6. Click Save.

Add an extra fee with the Global Rates

Global rates represent the rates of products based on general shipping calculations. Global rates apply to every new product that is added to the store. But there may be some exceptions that need extra care while packing and may require extra cost to ship. In these cases, an additional fee might be required to cover the extra shipping costs. So, the extra fee can be mentioned which will get added to the global rate of the product.

To add a fixed fee to existing costs

  1. In the Products menu, choose the All Products sub-menu.

  2. For a product, click on the eye icon to edit the product details.

  3. On the product page, switch to the Product Shipping tab.

  4. Select Global rates in the Shipping Rates section.

  5. Type the extra fee and choose the rate type as one time or per item.

  6. Click Save.