Segmentation of the audience refers to a specific group or subset of your email subscribers that share certain characteristics or attributes. Segmentation allows you to divide your email list into smaller, more targeted groups based on factors such as demographics, purchase history, engagement level, or other criteria. By creating segments, you can tailor your email campaigns to better suit the interests and needs of each group, resulting in more personalized and effective communication with your subscribers.

How to create Segment?

Any number of segments can be created based on the given definition of any one of the selected conditions. Any number of tags can be assigned to these groups.

  1. In the Email Marketing menu, select the Segment sub menu.

  2. Click on Create Segment.

  3. In the Segment details tab, enter the Name.

  4. Select the Tag from the dropdown list.

  5. Check the checkbox to Activate this segment.

  6. Under the Definition section, select any one of the selections of Customer Activity or Properties of Customer.

  7. And choose the Activity or Property and Rules options from their respective drop drown list and provide the required values.

  8. Click on Add Filter, select the Condition and Value from the dropdown list.

  9. Click on OR to add an extra Condition and select any one of the Customer Activity or Properties of Customer.

  10. And choose the Activity or Property and Rules options from their respective drop down list based on the selection of the condition.

  11. If you wish you can click on And to add an extra condition and click on Show customers to get customers list based on the applied rules.

  12. And then click on Save to save the Segment.

How to View/ Edit/ Activate/ Deactivate/ Delete Segment?

  1. In the Email Marketing menu, select the Segment sub menu.

  2. In the Active Segment under actions click on the edit icon to make updates to the segment name.

  3. Click on the eye icon to view the segment details.

  4. Click on the cross icon to inactivate the segment and the segment is moved to the inactive segment list in the Inactive segment tab.

  5. Click on the Delete icon to remove the segment from the list.

  6. In both the Active and Inactive Segment tab the segment can also be filtered based on Custom Date and the Dates/Date range the segment was created.

  7. To activate the segment back, go to the Inactive segment tab and click on the tick icon. The segment gets activated and gets listed on the Active Segment tab.