The payment log is a sequential record of payments and refunds of the store. When a customer places an order and makes an online payment, the order goes through various transaction phases. You can view payment statuses or refund statuses.

Payment Status

Authorized -When a customer makes an order and pays online using a credit/ debit card, the payment processor, for example, Paypal contacts the bank that issued the customer’s payment card. The bank makes sure the customer has sufficient funds in their account to cover the transaction. If the bank approves the transaction, it is said to be authorized. There is no transfer of money until the authorization is captured.

Paid - An online transaction for which the customer has made the payment i.e, the money that was reserved during the authorization stage is transferred to the store owner’s account.

Note: This money transfer is known as Capture.

Unpaid - An online transaction for which the customer has not made the payment.

Paid Manually -A transaction for which the customer has made the payment by cash.

Refunded - When a customer returns the product purchased, the captured fund is transferred back to the customer’s account. Note: A refund can happen only after capture is processed.

Partial Refund -When a customer returns a single item from a multi-item sale, a partial amount is refunded to the customer.

Cash Refund - When a customer returns the order purchased, the amount gets refunded to the customer’s account.

Cancelled - When an order is cancelled as a whole. A pending authorization or capture is cancelled.

How to view the payment statuses?

  1. In the Logs menu, Select the Payment Logs Sub-menu. Click on the Payment tab. It shows the list of all payments.

    enter image description here

  2. To view a particular transaction, search for a single order by entering the Order Id in the search bar.

  3. The list displays the Order Id, Name, Total Amount, Captured Amount, Status, Payment gateway and Date for each order.

  4. Here, the total amount includes the order total and hold amount.

  5. The captured amount is the settled amount after releasing the hold amount.

  6. The plugin name indicates the payment method, whether the payment was made in cash or through an online payment. If it’s done in online mode it displays the payment gateway name.

  7. The date indicates the order placed date.

  8. You can search for a specific payment statement using the order id in the search bar.

  9. Click on the Filter icon to filter the list based on payment statuses such as Authorized, paid, unpaid, cancelled, etc.

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How to view the Refund statuses?

  1. In the Logs menu, Select the Payment Logs Sub-menu. Click on the Refund tab. It shows the list of all refunds.

  2. To view a particular Refund, search for a single order by entering the Order Id in the search bar.

    enter image description here

  3. The list displays the Order Id, Name, Amount, Refund type, Status(Success/Failed), Plugin Name ,Date and Actions for each order.

  4. Here, the amount indicates the amount to be refunded.

  5. The refund type shows whether the refund was a manual refund, automatic refund, or cash refund.

  6. The refund status displays whether the refund was processed successfully or not.

  7. The plugin name indicates the refund method, whether the refund was paid by cash or through an online mode. In the case of online refunds, it also displays the name of the payment gateway used for the refund transaction.

  8. The date indicates the date on which the refund was issued.

  9. Click on the View icon under Action to see the reason for the refund.

  10. Click on the Filter icon to filter the list based on statuses i.e, Success or Failure.

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