Sales Countdown Timer

A sales countdown timer is used to create a sense of urgency and scarcity around a particular product or promotion. It displays a ticking clock that counts down the remaining time before a deal or discount expires, encouraging customers to make a purchasing decision quickly before the offer ends.Additionally, countdown timers can trigger impulse purchases, boost sales for clearance items or limited inventory, and serve as an effective retargeting strategy for customers who abandon their carts.

Enabling the Sales Countdown Timer Plugin

To enable the Sales Countdown Timer on your store, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Plugins menu in your store’s dashboard.
  2. Search for Timers in the Our Plugins tab.
  3. Once located, enable the Sales Countdown Timer by toggling the button.

Adding a Sales Countdown Timer

  1. Go to the Sales Countdown Timer menu and select the Sales Timer sub-menu.
  2. In the Timer Menu, you can set the Timer Name, Discount Details, Discount Type, Availability Date, Active Status, Discount Value, and Actions Field.

  3. Under the Actions field, you can edit, enable, or remove the discount.

    • To edit: Click on the “✏️” icon to modify the details and then click Update Discount.

    • To enable/disable: Click on the “✅” or “❎” icon, and confirm your action in the pop-up window.

    • To remove: Click on the “delete” icon, and confirm your action in the pop-up window.

  4. Utilize the search option to find a specific timer by entering the Timer name or Discount Value.
  5. Use the filter icon to narrow down results based on Discount Type, Discount Range, Date Range, Status, Timer Type, and Applies To field.

  6. To add a new timer, click on the Add Timer button.

  7. Choose a template (Basic, Radial, Digital, Matrix, Flipper), Click Next and then proceed to edit the design details and product details as per your preferences.

Time details:

Customize the color of the timer background, Time and Day background color, space between day and time, space between time, as well as fonts and other visual options like Time and day color, Time and day font size, Time and day font family. Check the apply bold and apply colon checkbox to apply bold and colon in the timer.

Time Heading Details:

You can add a heading to the timer - Enter the timer heading as Days:Hours:Minutes:Seconds,change the Time and day heading color,Time and day font size, Time and day font family.Check the apply bold checkbox if needed.

Note: Time and day font size can’t exceed 40 and should be greater than 9.

Message Details

Write a message above the timer, change the message font color, Message font size and family, Message text alignment.Check the apply bold checkbox to apply bold in the Message.

Note: Similarly edit for all other templates. For radial timer an additional section of radial details will be added. It has Radial timer primary code,Radial timer secondary code,Circle height and width. You can interchange the details accordingly.

  1. Click Next

  2. Enter the details under each section.
  3. Enter the Basic info like Title, Discount type,Discount value (Percentage or Fixed) and enable the toggle.

  4. Choose whether the discount is applicable to all products or specific products or specific categories.

  5. Schedule the discount by entering the start and end date, start and end time and time placement (above/below to cart button or below product price).

  6. Click Save Discount.

  7. A pop-up appears as Timer Discount saved successfully
  8. Select multiple timers and click on remove button to bulk remove timer discounts.

Timer Logs

  1. When a customer places an order during this discount period, that order will be listed in the Timer Logs sub-menu under the Sales Countdown timer menu.

  2. Order details are displayed like Order id,Customer Name, Timer Name, Product Name, Offer Price, Count (number of products) and Ordered Date.
  3. You can remove the order details by clicking on “delete” icon under actions field.

  4. Search for a particular Timer log using search option and filter using custom date.

  5. Bulk remove timer logs by selecting multiple logs and click remove button.

By following these steps, you can effectively utilize the Sales Countdown Timer feature in your store.