Wholesalers are customers who make bulk orders. Discounts will apply when bulk orders are placed. For example, if a product is sold at $2, the wholesale price may be set to $1.5. So when 100 products are purchased by the wholesale user, the total price would be $150($1.5 X100 Units).

When a user signs up as a wholesaler, the request is added to the queue in the list of pending Wholesale Requests. Once the admin approves the request, the user receives an email stating that the request for the wholesale purchase is accepted and the user details are added to the list of Approved wholesale Requests. If the request is denied, these customer details are added to the denied requests list.

View Pending Wholesale requests

  1. In the Staff Management menu, select the Wholesale Request sub-menu.

  2. The Pending Requests tab consists of the list of pending requests.

Edit Wholesale Request

  1. In the Staff Management menu, select the Wholesale Request sub-menu.

  2. In the Pending Requests tab, you’ll find a list of pending requests.

  3. Click on the edit icon under Action.

  4. Change the status by choosing Approved/Denied to approve or deny a request.

  5. Click Update to save the changes.

View Approved/Denied Requests

  1. In the Staff Management menu, select the Wholesale Request sub-menu.

  2. In the Approved/Declined Requests tab, you’ll find a list of all approved and declined requests.

  3. Click on the Status drop-down menu and choose Approved or Denied options to filter the approved requests or denied requests separately.