Business Settings consists of three sections - Order Settings, Product Settings and Announcement Settings.
Order Settings allow you to set the Handling fees, restrict order amount, set hold amount for orders and allows user to edit orders.
Product Settings helps customize category order, set Ribbon, Enable/Disable Product Instructions, and set wholesale pricing and deposit fees.
Announcement Settings allows customizing and publishing announcements that are displayed on the store.
Product Settings
From the ZenBasket Admin, choose the Settings menu.
On the settings page, click on Product Settings.
In Digital Product Settings, toggle to Enable or Disable:
Lifetime Limit-By enabling the Lifetime Limit, After a specified period of time, the link will expire automatically.
Download Limit-By enabling the Download LimitControl the number of allowed downloads, limiting buyers to a set count.
In Gift Card Settings, choose No Expiration if there is no expiration for your gift card or choose Expiration Days and mention the number of days.
Using the toggle you may Enable or Disable the following options:
Enable Buy Now - By enabling Buy Now, the customer will be taken to the cart page for immediate purchase.
Enable Product Instructions - By enabling product instructions, the customer can add instructions to the products in their order.
Enable Product Deposit Fee - By enabling this, you can add a deposit fee for the products.
Enable Product Low Stock Notification. Choose Product Level or Global Level. Upon choosing Global Level, enter a value in the Low Stock Threshold Value. A warning message will be displayed when the number of products in the inventory falls below the given value.