Related Products

Related products in ZenBasket are products that are suggested to customers while they are looking at a specific product. The goal is to encourage customers to buy more things and make their shopping experience better. These related products are usually similar to the original product or complement it, and can help customers find items that go well together. By showing related products, ZenBasket hopes to increase sales and help customers find what they need more easily.

To make this feature available on your product list page, head to the Plugins in the main menu. Click on Our Plugins. Enable the Related productsbutton.

There are 2 types of related product 1) Upsell product 2) Cross-sell product

Upsell product

Upselling is a sales strategy that involves encouraging customers to buy a higher-end version of a product.

  1. In the Products menu, select the All Products sub-menu.

  2. Click on the Related product icon under Actions on the product list page.

  1. Click on the Upsell products button on the left.

  1. Click on the + Add button to add the higher version of the particular product.

  2. A list of all products in your store will be displayed. Use the search bar to search for a specific product.

  3. Check the boxes to select the products and click on Save. The products are saved successfully.

  1. To link the product with the Upsell product list, click on the LinkBack button. Now your products are linked successfully.

  1. You can delete individual products by clicking on the Remove icon and delete multiple products by clicking on the checkboxes in the list of products and clicking on the Bulk delete button at the top.

  1. The products are displayed under the label ‘Related products’ on the storefront.

Cross-Sell product

Cross-Selling encourages customers to purchase products in addition to the original or added items to the cart.

  1. In the Products menu, select the All Products sub-menu.

  2. Click on the Related product button in the existing product on the product list page.

  1. Click on the Cross Sell Products button on the left and click on the + Add button to add products.

  1. A list of products is displayed. Check the boxes against the product to be added to the cross-sell product or search for products by entering the product name in the search bar. Click on Save.

  2. The products are saved successfully. To link the product with the Cross-sell product list, click on the LinkBack button. Now your products are linked successfully.

  1. You can delete individual products by clicking on the Remove icon and delete multiple products by clicking on the checkboxes in the list of products and clicking on the Bulk delete button at the top.

  2. This is how the cross-sell products are displayed on the website.

Video Tutorial